3 Card Pull
Simple reading consisting of a threefold answer; usually read as past, present , future, but not always.
Cards pulled specifically for you are imaged with descriptions and sent to your inbox asap (within 1-24hours of request).
Simple reading consisting of a threefold answer; usually read as past, present , future, but not always.
Cards pulled specifically for you are imaged with descriptions and sent to your inbox asap (within 1-24hours of request).
Simple reading consisting of a threefold answer; usually read as past, present , future, but not always.
Cards pulled specifically for you are imaged with descriptions and sent to your inbox asap (within 1-24hours of request).
Hour-long readings are done in a private studio setting. Confirmation of time and date will be scheduled on a consultation call when you book your full empowerment journey. More education on Tarot can be available by request.