Me Fucking Too_surveillance

bodyspacevideo1 July 10 TWENTY14

Raped isn't enough, molested by a family member isn't enough, harassed a couple of times by coworkers, attacked by an employer, preyed upon and pursued by your first real boss outside of college isn't enough. Now everyday hearing about it by the media, in the news. 

Scrubbing away, sudsing up as the camera screen fogs up. Like my eyes welling with tears on that night. like my memories replaying every time I think. or hear of, see a reminder. a glance by a male, a touch by my father.

My skin is so itchy, still itchy. I can't tell how hot the water's getting. Am I burned?


Written January 24 TWENTY18

July 5 TWENTY22

The video is meant to be viewed with others, standing in the center of the room in a taped off box. I take survey of my skin and my body.

The images are reminders that real wounding is never really far. I survey, making documentation of wounds on my body.

Jordan Connor Christie

Artist  ||  Activist  ||  Animal

Work With Me


xoxo, Animal In A Dress